Posts Tagged ‘Myrtle Beach’


Penthouse Pet Of The Year TAYA PARKER Heads To THEE DOLLHOUSE In South Carolina This Weekend October 3 – 5

October 2, 2013

Sets The Bar…Again!




Taya Parker will once again break new ground in the Feature Entertainment Industry. This weekend, when she performs at Thee World Famous Dollhouse in Myrtle Beach, the show will be streamed LIVE in HD via Parker is allowing her fans to view LIVE for free. Members who sign up can gain full access of the site which enables them to view many areas of the club including the dressing room. They can also tip and “make it rain” at their leisure.

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SCHEVELLE’s G-String Chronicles: Mud And Diamonds In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

April 29, 2010

As the elite eight battled it out in the NCAA Basketball Tournament, we were on our way to Sensations in Myrtle Beach, but not for an easy week as you may think. Actually, I have no idea what you are thinking. I do know you are probably tired of hearing about my bookings. Well, as soon as I hit that lottery, I’ll shut up, until then…

We finished our gig at Blush in Pittsburgh, headed back to the hotel, packed (which took forever for some reason this time) and slept for about three hours then woke up, loaded the car, paid $120 for parking (jerks) and then drove for about eleven hours to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

This week the gig was Monday through Saturday so we had to book it. This is one of the major differences between feature dancers and porn stars (real porn stars, not porn girls). A porn star hardly ever does a week-long booking in a club, they couldn’t afford her, she is usually there for two or three days.

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